Wednesday, September 30, 2009


So I am in a digital photo class right now, and our assignment was simply to print 3 photos from a series. sooooo... i chose to take pictures of one of my roomates! i love it when friends let me take photos of them, or use them for my projects. sorry the colors are a little off... but thats the internet for ya! so anyways... here is an unconventional portrait of megan:

Monday, September 28, 2009


Here are some of the logos that I have made in the past. Let me know what ya think!

Scott's Helping Hands is a non-profit organization

McKinney Historical Run is a race that my boyfriend Elliot puts on every year. Next year will be the 5th annual 5K race! I have helped out with the design in just the past few years. It is a lot of fun to work with
him on this event together. I also helped with the website and the rest of the design needs. Visit the website:


Hey! Welcome to my blog! I am excited to share the design work that I have been working on, and hopefully gain inspiration from other people's blogs as well! A little about myself: I am Jamie Goodrich, a Senior Advertising Design major, Photography minor, at Stephen F. Austin State University. I transferred after my sophomore year from Texas A&M University so that I could dive more into the art world and design! I was majoring in architecture, so it gave me a great diverse foundation for my designs.

I really love simple things in design and composition. I am eager to share my work! More posts coming soon!